Hills Veterinary Clinic man and dog

Desexing Dogs

desex dogs

We strongly recommend that all puppies not intended for breeding should be desexed at about 5 & a half months of age before they reach sexual maturity. In females this will be before they come into season (on heat) for the first time.

Desexing is done as day surgery. You will be sent out pre-anaesthetic instructions via email when you book the surgery.

Your pet would be admitted in the morning usually between 8am & 9.30am. The surgery is usually performed late morning after pre-anaesthetic health checks & blood tests have been performed & your pet would then be ready to go home some time after 3.30pm. We are open until 8pm so a later pickup is available if required.

Your pet will probably be a little sleepy for the first 24 hours after the surgery and will need to be kept restricted for 10 days. It may be necessary for them to wear an Elizabethan collar (bucket collar) to stop them licking at their wound.
While they are under anaesthetic we can give them a desexing tattoo and microchip them (if not already done) and do a microchip tattoo, clip their claws, check their ears and empty their anal glands if necessary.


If you would like some more in depth information regarding desexing male dogs, click here.

If you would like some more in depth information regarding desexing female dogs, click here.